Appraisals Abound, House Building & Development Appraisal Specialists
Finance Lead on Bids
Having an experienced lead on the financials of a bid, for either a site or a framework, is imperative to the success of the bid. The bid needs to be fully costed and stress tested before submission to ensure that it is robust and deliverable.
It is also important that the financial information contained in a bid is transparent, easy to understand and concise, and that the vendors can easily track the information.
Appraisals Abound recognise the importance of the financial lead being able to influence and test the bids before submission to ensure its success.
Over the past 2 years Appraisals Abound has led the financials on successful bids in relation to:
Purchasing sites for development with developers/contractors
Being part of a team to gain access to the GLA DPP2
Being part of a team for accessing GLA grant funding